GHE Bio Weed Seaweed Extract. Suitable for any type of soil and substrate. Indispensable for growing in hydroponics. It can be used for the development of any kind of plants. Does not contain chemicals, compatible with a wide variety of types of fertilizers.

Brand General Organic
planting material Rowan, Celery, Plum, Currant, Thyme, tomatoes, Dill, Garlic, Spinach, Sorrel, Apple tree, blackberry, Watermelon, Basil, Eggplant, Sweet potato, Grape, Mustard, Pear, Daikon, Melon, Honeysuckle, Cabbage, Potato, Coriander (cilantro), Strawberry, Watercress, Gooseberry, Lemongrass, Onion, Raspberry, Mint, oats, cucumbers, Paprika, Pepper, Parsley, Rape, Radish, Rosemary, Arugula, Beet
Purpose Stimulant
View Liquid
Growing method The soil, Substrates, coco substrate, Hydroponics
Phase vegetation
Application spraying, Root top dressing
Producing country France

Bio Weed seaweed extract is cold-pressed. As a result, the drug enhances the natural qualities of plants, and also increases the potential of the soil in terms of energy. Seaweed allows you to restore plants after transplantation, exposure to adverse conditions, lack of vitamins, and also strongly promote growth and development.

Bio Weed also helps in the formation of the root and deciduous system, promotes abundant and numerous flowering, fruit development. The drug enhances the effect of other types of fertilizers, and as a result, plants grow by leaps and bounds.