BOOST Accelerator

Canna BOOST Accelerator - improves plant metabolism. The absorption of nutrients directly depends on the health of the plant and its metabolism. The drug is specially designed for plants that are characterized by a short life cycle.

planting material Coriander (cilantro), Parsley, Radish, Rosemary, Arugula, Celery, tomatoes, Dill, Spinach, Sorrel, Watermelon, Basil, Eggplant, Sweet potato, Daikon, Melon, Watercress, Onion, Mint, cucumbers, Pepper
Purpose Stimulant
View Liquid
Growing method Substrates, coco substrate, Hydroponics, The soil
Phase Bloom
Application Root top dressing
Producing country Netherlands

CANNA BOOST Accelerator will help improve plant metabolism. This is a very important question, since the absorption of nutrients directly depends on the health of the plant and its metabolism. The drug was developed for plants that are characterized by a short life cycle.

The use of the drug will allow you to get more crops, fruits will pour, there will be more flowers. It can be used in all growing media in combination with any other fertilizer. CANNA BOOST is also used as a foliar application.

It brings more crops, enhancing photosynthesis processes, which leads to rapid ripening of the crop. Nutrients are easily absorbed. CANNA BOOST contains flowering stimulators, thanks to which the fruit develops uniformly. Plants also easily resist diseases and pests.

The use of the accelerator guarantees excellent fruit taste. Fruits produce more sugars due to the rapid process of photosynthesis. Fruits become more fragrant and sweeter.

The drug should not be used in combination with products containing hydrogen peroxide.

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