Sea buckthorn Etna

Variety: large-fruited

Ripening time: early, 1st half of August

Fruits: 0.8-1.0 gr., dessert

Yield: high, 9-15 t/ha, 15 kg/plant

Selection: Altai Territory

Здоровый посадочный материал, выращенный на экологически чистых землях прибрежной зоны Иссык-Куля
Ripening period Early variety
fruit size Large-fruited varieties
Selection Russia

Sea buckthorn Etna — early ripe large-fruited variety, bred in 1993 by breeders of the Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia named after. M.A. Lisavenko (Barnaul) as a result of free pollination of the Inya variety. In 2009 "Etna" submitted for state variety testing.

Advantages: high yield, early ripening of berries, winter hardiness.

Characteristics of the variety

Shrub medium-sized, tree-like, with a spreading rounded crown. Shoots are thin, curved, gray-brown. The foliage is convex-lanceolate, green. Spines are rare, practically absent.

Fruitsovoid, large. The average weight of a berry is 0.8-0.9 gr. Peel – red-orange. The pulp is juicy, sweet with a slight sourness. Separation of fruits – semi-dry.

Assignment varieties is universal. Sea buckthorn is suitable for fresh consumption, various types of processing, oil production, etc.

Productivity and terms of fruiting. Etna's productivity is high – from 8.5 to 15 tons of berries per season are harvested from one hectare (with a planting pattern of 4 × 2 m.) and up to 15 kg – from one bush. The plant begins to bear fruit for 2-3 years of planting. To obtain a crop, it is necessary to have a neighborhood with a male pollinator variety.

The term of ripening of fruits – early, first half of August.

Immunity. With proper care, sea buckthorn is not affected by diseases and pests.

Growing conditions. Like many varieties of Siberian selection, Etna sea buckthorn has a high winter hardiness, therefore it is suitable for growing in regions with a cold climate: in Central Russia, Siberia, the Urals and the Far East.

Beware of fakes and diseased planting material. Buy seedlings of sea buckthorn variety Etna in nurseries and specialized stores.