Blueberry Jersey

Ripening period: late ripening, August

Fruits: 1.4-2.0 gr., hollow

Growing conditions: outdoors

Yield: 4-6 kg/plant

Selection: USA

Shipping and pickup: 2022
Ripening period Late-ripening variety
fruit size Large-fruited varieties
Productivity: high
Selection USA

Jersey — one of the oldest varieties of garden blueberries, which has been known since 1928 and is considered a symbol of the state of New Jersey. The culture is massively cultivated in North America (USA, Canada).

Variety advantages:

  • high winter hardiness;
  • resistance to late spring frosts;
  • sweet taste of fruits;
  • suitable for mechanized harvesting.

Variety Features

Plant. Jersey bush of strong growth, semi-spreading – 1.6-2.0 m in height and 1.5-2.5 m. – in width. Rhizome – fibrous, branched, located at a depth of 20-25 cm. The leaves are oval-elongated, large, up to 8 cm in length and 4 cm – in width. The leaf plate is smooth, shiny. The fruits are formed and ripen in bunches on long fruit branches.

Fruits Jerseys are round, medium in size, 1.6-2.5 cm in diameter. Ripe berry peel – light light blue, dense. Pulp – juicy and very sweet.

Blueberries do not burst or flow, so the variety is suitable for mechanized harvesting and transportation.

Destination gradeand – generic. The sweetest blueberries make delicious preserves, jams, compotes. It is added to pastries and desserts. Children and adults enjoy eating fresh berries.

Yield and ripening time. 4-6 kg of fruits are harvested from one Jersey bush per season. In terms of ripening, blueberries belong to late varieties, ripe berries are harvested starting from mid-August.

Immuneto red ringspot.

Growing conditions

The Jersey variety is highly winter hardy, it tolerates late spring frosts well. Suitable for growing in regions with cool, unstable summers and harsh winters.

Blueberries adapt well to different types of soil, but light, loose soil made of sand and peat is more suitable for it than others. A prerequisite for well-being and the development of culture – acidic or slightly acidic pH level 3.5–5.0.

Tip: Jersey flowers at the same time as Bluecrop and is ideal for cross-pollination. Plant these two varieties side by side and you will get a wonderful harvest from both crops.

Selection of seedlings

Before you buy Jersey blueberry seedlings, pay attention to the quality of the planting material.

  • The age of suitable seedlings is 2-3 years,
  • The root system – developed, moist, without breaks. Preferably closed type (with a clod of earth).
  • Shoots "live" without dryness, damage and signs of disease.

Beware of fakes and contaminated planting material, buy blueberry seedlings «Jersey» in professional nurseries and specialized stores.