Apple tree Jonaprince

Variety: compact, not self-fertile

Fruits: 200 gr., dark red.

Maturity: late summer

Yield: 70 kg/tree

Zoning: Central region, Belarus

Selection: Holland

Здоровый посадочный материал, выращенный на экологически чистых землях прибрежной зоны Иссык-Куля
Selection Netherlands

Jonaprince Apple Tree (Viltons Red Jonaprince) – a clone of Jonagold, beloved by gardeners around the world, eaten out in 1994 by Dutch breeders. Later, the variety was called the Black Prince, under which it became known in Russia. Since 2015, the culture has been undergoing variety trials for the right to enter the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation.

Variety advantages: compact tree, unpretentious care, drought resistance, excellent fruit quality, high yield.

Characteristics of the variety

Treemedium-sized, up to 4 m in height, fast-growing with a rounded crown. The branches are gray, smooth. Foliage is average. Fruiting of the mixed type – ovaries are formed on annelids, spears and twigs.

Applesround-conical shape, up to 10 cm in diameter, average fruit weight 200 gr. Peel – smooth, dark red, in certain lighting it can seem almost black, hence the name of the variety "black prince". Pulp – cream shade, fine-grained, juicy, with a characteristic crunch. Taste – sweet, but not cloying, with a slight sourness. Aroma – rich apple.

Variety assignment: universal. The fruits have an attractive presentation, excellent keeping quality and long shelf life, resistant to transportation. Therefore, John Prince is suitable for commercial cultivation. Apples can be eaten fresh, prepared from compotes, desserts, etc.

Productivity. The variety Black Prince gives a consistently high yield. On a dwarf rootstock, about 70 kg of apples are harvested from a tree. Fruiting begins from 3-4 years of planting.

Ripening period. Jonaprince belongs to late friendly varieties. The fruits begin to be harvested at the end of September. Ripe apples do not crumble.

Immunityto bacteriosis and powdery mildew.

Growing conditions. Winter hardiness of the Black Prince variety is average, up to – 28°C. In regions with more severe frosts, apple trees are additionally insulated for the winter. Also, the culture does not like heat and drought; in the southern regions, it is necessary to provide plants with regular watering. The variety feels most comfortable in the regions of Central Russia.

Variety Jonaprince – non-self-pollinated. To form fruits in the neighborhood, I plant pollinating apple trees of other varieties that bloom simultaneously with the Black Prince. Such as: Gala, Golden Delicious, Junami, Braeburn.

Beware of crafts and "sick" planting material! Buy seedlings of the apple tree «Jonaprince» in nurseries and specialized stores.