Corn seeds for sprouting/microgreens

Weight: 250 gr

Growing: 2-3 days

Color: yellow or pale green leaves and white stems

Taste: sweet, stringy, crunchy

Use: to add freshness and sweetness to desserts. Ideal for salads and appetizers.

Benefits: Anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. Uaccelerates metabolism, strengthens blood vessels and even restores muscle fibers due to the increased protein content.

Corn microgreen contains vitamins and minerals, contains vitamins A, B, C and E, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.
Corn microgreen reduces the viscosity and density of bile, reduces the level of bilirubin in the blood and has heteroprotective properties. And with the constant consumption of corn sprouts rich in vitamin E, there is a dissolution of gallstones and a decrease in blood cholesterol ².

Enzymes contained in sprouts prevent the risk of developing cancer cells in the colon. This plant also takes an active part in the normalization of the production of sex hormones. /span>