Thuja western Hoseri (Khozeri)

Species: pygmy

Crown: spherical

Needles: yellow-green

Frost resistance: medium, up to –30°C

Zoning: temperate continental climate

Origin: Poland

Thuja occidentalis Hoseri (Thuja occidentalis Hoseri) – dwarf spherical coniferous plant, bred by Polish sectioners.

Variety advantages: decorative, compact, winter and wind resistance, suitable for growing in containers.

Appearance. Compact slow-growing multi-stemmed shrub. Growth – 5 cm per year. Crown – spherical shape, with a diameter of 0.6-0.8 meters. Needles – 4 mm long, dark green, brightens in winter, updated – 1 time in 3 years.

Destination. Due to its small size, thuja is suitable for growing in containers, decorating balconies, verandas, roofs, small rocky and heather gardens, alpine slides, etc.

Growing conditions. Thuja Hozeri is undemanding to soil fertility, shade-tolerant, wind-resistant. At the same time, it does not tolerate drought well – loses its decorative effect. Frost resistance of the variety up to – 30 °C. In regions with more severe winters, the plant must be additionally covered before wintering.

The most favorable for arborvitae: penumbral areas protected from the wind, moist loamy soils, temperate continental climate.

Beware of fakes and infected planting material, buy arborvitae Hozeri seedlings in specialized nurseries.