Juniperus medium Pfitzeriana Glauca (Glauca)

Crown: cupped, creeping

Needles: gray-green, blue

Frost resistance: up to –30°C

Zoning: V-IX climatic zones

Origin: North America

Juniperus x-media Pfitzeriana Glauca – perennial evergreen shrub of the cypress family with an unusual cupped crown and blue needles.

Appearance. Low shrub without a top, up to 1.5 m in height. Crown – dense, wide, can grow to 3-4 meters in diameter. The annual growth is negligible – 3-5 cm. Branches – strong, located almost horizontally to the ground, the ends are bent upwards, which give the bush the shape of a bowl. Needles – needle-shaped, prickly, rigid. Color – emerald green, in the sun becomes a rich bluish-blue hue. Length of needles – up to 2 cm

Destination. Landscape designers use Pfitzerian Glauka juniper for landscaping and landscaping parks, squares, garden plots. With the help of shrubs, they decorate borders, decorate slopes, banks of artificial reservoirs, lawns, rock gardens, rockeries.

Juniper harmoniously combines: with vertically growing conifers – thujas, firs; with herbaceous perennials – wormwood, cineraria, daylily; with shrubs – Thunberg barberry, snowberry, euonymus, etc.

Growing conditions. The species Pfitzeriana Glauca is unpretentious, undemanding to soil fertility, resistant to heat and drought, frost-resistant (up to – 28.8 ° C). Suitable for growing in regions belonging to the fifth climatic zone and warmer. The shrub is shade-tolerant, but grows more slowly in the shade, and the needles remain dark green without a blue tint.

Juniper loves the sun, moderate watering, needs compacting pruning.

Beware of fakes and infected planting material, buy Pfitzerian Glauck juniper seedlings in specialized nurseries.