Peat soil for orchids

View: nutritious peat soil

Purpose: cultivation of epiphytes

Acidity: slightly acidic, pH 5.5

Moisture content by mass: ≤65%

Pine bark: at least 10%

Production: Russia

Volume: 5 l.

Peat soils (series) flower series

The VASKhNiL nursery offers to buy soil for orchids and epiphyte plants based on high-moor peat from environmentally friendly deposits in the Smolensk and Sverdlovsk regions.

Peat soil for orchids

It is a fully prepared nutrient slightly acidic soil with the addition of pine bark, specially designed for growing orchids, phalaenopsis, ascocendra, biphrenaria and other epiphytic plants at home.


  • Mixture of peat of varying degrees of decomposition.
  • Limestone flour – acid neutralizer.
  • KMUS-1 – complex mineral fertilizer with trace elements.
  • Pine bark, fine fraction.

Nutritional content:

(in plant-friendly form)

  • Nitrogen (NH4 + N03) ≤100 mg/l
  • Phosphorus (P2O5) ≤110 mg/l
  • Potassium (K2O) ≤120 mg/l
  • Trace elements (iron (EDTA), copper, zinc, manganese, boron, etc.)

Ground requirements for orchids

For indoor epiphytes, a special primer is needed with the addition of pine bark. Loose in consistency, breathable, with increased moisture capacity, capable of retaining nutrients. Required level of acidity – pH 5.5.

Application of primer

Planting an orchid

The landing tank is filled with drainage by one third. The plant is placed in the middle and sprinkled with peat soil for orchids. In order for the flower to become stronger in the ground, for the first time it is tied to a stick.


When transplanting orchids into a new pot, some of the roots are not covered with soil. They stay outside. The first watering of transplanted flowers is carried out after 7 days.

Selecting landing capacity

Special pots are chosen for planting orchids. They should be wide, low with many holes for air exchange, since the roots of epiphytes grow in breadth. The walls of the orchid pot are usually transparent, because. the root system needs light for photosynthesis.