Macadamia flour

Type: Macadamia

Technology: stone grinding

Raw material: macadamia v.c.

Purpose of flour: cooking, healthy eating

Expire date: 8 months.

Storage conditions: no higher than +15°C

Macadamia flour – natural product obtained by grinding macadamia – the most expensive nuts in the world growing in Australia, – on stone millstones. The flour retains all the benefits inherent in the plant – maximum vitamins, minerals, fatty acids.

Flour dishes can be included in the diet of vegetarians, athletes, as well as people with gluten intolerance and overweight.

Nutritional value of flour, per 100 gr.:

Squirrels – 7.9 gr.

Fats – 14.5g.

Carbohydrates – 13.8 gr.

Energy value: 600 kcal

Macadamia flour contains:

  • Vitamins: groups B, E, PP, biotin, gamma-tocopherol.
  • Macro and microelements: boron, vanadium, iron, calcium, silicon, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, nickel, sulfur, chromium, phosphorus, zinc.
  • Fatty acids, essential and non-essential amino acids, fiber.
  • Phytosterols, pectins, antioxidants.

Flour does not contain: gluten, GMOs, dyes, flavors and other artificial additives.

Useful properties of flour:

  • Increases the overall vitality of the body energy.
  • Decreases appetite.
  • Normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood,
  • Prevents diseases of the joints and bones, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes.
  • Normalizes the color and oiliness of the skin,
  • Improves the condition of the hair.


Flour is used for baking, as well as a thickener for sauces, a useful additive to protein shakes, cereals, smoothies. The product can be combined with other types of flour.

Storage conditions

Shelf life: 8 months

Store in a dry, cool place at a temperature not exceeding +15°C, avoid sunlight. Relative Humidity – no more than 70%.